
All of our chicken is supplied by Red Barn Free Range Chicken.

From their website:

Why our Chickens TASTE so DAMN GOOD!
It’s pretty simple, really. They are allowed to live FREELY and to grow up naturally as chickens should do. Our chickens have constant access to a natural diet and enjoy plenty of fresh air and sunshine. We do not use artificial growth stimulants; do not feed meat or bone meal; and do not use antibiotics, (although for humane reasons we reserve the right to medicate sick animals if required). We raise our birds outside on pasture where they can scratch in the soil, eat green plants and whatever bugs they find. We move the birds to clean fields on a regular basis. This has the added advantage of spreading the poultry litter around which is important to the management of our fields. Raising chickens in this way takes a little longer. Our birds reach marketable weights in 8-12 weeks as opposed to 6 weeks which is the industry standard. This longer growing period is a key factor in growing a tasty LARGE chicken. Our chickens mature at their natural pace.

See for loads more info, galleries etc.

PLEASE NOTE: If you order any kind of meat through the GFC, you do so at your own risk. The GFC is not a retailer; we are a buying club of people who are buying meat directly from farmers. If you have questions about how meat is handled and prepared, please ask your questions, and we will get that information from the suppliers.

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