Tag Archives: eco friendly fire lighters

Go Green this Braai Day – 24 September 2015

Green (and gold) fever is upon us. The Rugby World Cup is approaching and next week we celebrate Heritage Day, otherwise known as ‘Braai Day’. Having lived outside of South Africa for the last 4.5 years I find it lank rad that Braai Day has become a thing. It really is a quintessential part of our culture and our South African-ness. Braai’s build community.

There is nothing quite like the smell of that wood fire burning, and the sizzle of slapping your boerie or your chops or your lekker sosaties on the fire (bru), knocking back with a castle or your tassies (or for you fancies – your craft brew). A little slaai (salad) on the side, your garlic rolls and maybe a couple mielies (corn on the cob)… As I type this, all I can hear is Trevor Noah in my head…

braai nice

So let’s get our Braai Day on. We tend to complain a lot in South Africa, but this Braai Day, Eskom can’t get us down – even if you’re braai’ing on gas… which you shouldn’t because… it’s… kinda fake – come oooon now guyyyys.

braai day

The National Braai Day initiative aims to position National Heritage Day as South Africa’s annual day of celebration. We call on all South Africans to unite around fires, share our heritage and wave our flag on 24 September every year.

And so, in the midst of this celebration, I have the perfect (green) addition for your Braavleis. Ditch the old school paraffin/petroleum firelighters, and try Green Lite Eco Fire Lighters. I know what you might be thinking… “I’m so used to my usual firelighters, and now you want me to use something different that won’t be as effective, and probably double the price”.

W-R-O-N-G. Oh, oh so wrong.

Green Lite Eco Fire Lighters are 100% paraffin free, have a low odour and are made from recyclable materials, vegetable oils and natural colourants. They are the same price as Blitz (our most commonly bought brand), and is the brainchild of local Somerset West couple, Mark and Sandy Steinberg. 

Hubby and I took a trip up to the mountain this past weekend and we put these eco fire lighters to the test and were well impressed. I know I say that about a lot of things (natural eco-goodies get me amped), but this is one of those products where it is EASY to make the change. Green Lite’s Eco Fire Lighters are SABS Safety tested, contain no petroleum products, are fuelled by clean burning vegetable oils, have a low odour, and are long burning (up to 12 min a block!) and are so clean in handling you don’t have to wash your hands before touching your food. The blocks are easy to break off and use (unlike the random snapping of your blitz bar) and they have a resealable inner sleeve. Best of all its made right here in South Africa.


FROM TODAY until BRAAI DAY (24th September 2015), Green Goods, your online eco-store, is offering all readers a 20% off Green Lite Eco Fire Lighters. Follow this link to find your green happy firelighters and enter the code braaiday2015 when you check out to redeem your discount.

Give it a go – this is a simple change to make. And with the more firelighter blocks you have left over, all the more reason to braai braai braai your way into summer.